New Year is the beginning of another 365 or a 366(leap year) day cycle which marks the beginning of new goals, new aspirations, and new achievement. It's the start of a new time in our lives. Every 1st of January is marked as the New Year day across the world.
According to the Gregorian calendar the New Year starts on the 1st of January. The Gregorian calendar is internationally the most widely used civil calendar. It is named after Pope Gregory 13th, who introduced it in October 1582.
The New Year day is celebrated and welcome with lots of fun and frolic in most part of the world. People make various plans and arrangements well in advance for the celebration. They organize various games, kids’ activities, music, dance, skit etc. All the people, relatives, friends come together for welcoming the New Year and has become like a festival in most parts of the world.
In India also, People come together and celebrate the New Year day. As now, most of the families in metro cities are nuclear family, people celebrate this day within the Community they live. They prepare special food items and arrange for various fun games and activities to mark the celebration. In India, as people are very religious many people also visit temple on January 1st, so that they get the blessings of God for their new year?
Many people consider the New Year as the start of new beginning in their life. It is considered to bring good fortune, new hopes and new achievement for them. Many people make New Year resolution by challenging themselves for something they are either scared of doing or achieving the goals they couldn't achieve in the last year.
So, with every passing year we should try and make ourselves a better person by learning from our mistakes and changing our self accordingly.